
Cloud library platform

Dimdata Library Manager is designed to meet the dynamic needs of modern libraries. Transform your library into a vibrant hub of knowledge and innovation

One platform for every organization

Flexible customization, tailored for organizations of all sizes.

Manage your library anytime, anywhere

Increase user engagement

  • Simplify searches. Supports over 32 languages.
  • Members can log in instantly using their organization's Google and Microsoft accounts.
  • Get automatic email alerts for due dates, e-receipts, reservations, and recommendations.
  • Discover library resources instantly.
  • Empowering members to request and track resources seamlessly.
  • Renewal and reservation services available anytime, anywhere.
  • Self-service system that covers it all, reducing workload for staff.
  • Standardized cataloging system designed for librarians at every level, accessible through any web browser on screens of all sizes. Cataloging can be done effortlessly, even on a smartphone.
  • The standardized modules cover Acquisition, Cataloging, Authority, Circulation, Manage Members, Serials Control, Reports, Inventory, and Administration.
  • Customizable barcode and spine printing system
  • Manage physical book and e-books in one place. Featuring an integrated system for creating and serving e-books seamlessly.
  • Monitor movements and access statistics anytime, anywhere.
  • Admin console application designed specifically for centralized system management, exclusive to administrators.
  • Efficiently manage users and branches, complemented by a robust member management system.
  • Customizable system for managing and deploying OPAC.
  • Control usage plans, expand quotas as needed.
  • Security management system with member login control.

Choose from a variety of Developer APIs for seamless integration with other systems.

Sample APIs.

Retrieve member information along with borrowing details using member barcode.

Learn more

Get started

Try for free

Fill in your details to request a 30-day free trial.

Our team will send the registration URL via email.

Start using and learn to adapt with our online guides.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Enjoy a 30-day free trial and request an extension if you are in the procurement preparation stage.

For small libraries with limited data, we offer a complimentary 6-month trial and a discount starting from the 7th month onwards for eligible registered customers.

Yes, we provide a free data migration service for Koha and OpenBiblio. For other systems, we will announce availability soon.